Listing #2171532

The bCast team got us set up with hosting and growing our podcast: The SaaS Marketing Show in a couple of days. I highly recommend if you are a business and you're looking to podcast: use bCast! ... Contact. [email protected] ...


Website Performance

observedSpeedIndex 1.51 Sec
layoutShiftMaxSliding300ms 0 Sec
layoutShiftAvgSessionGap5s 0 Sec
observedLargestContentfulPaint 1.82 Sec
observedTimeOrigin 0 Sec
observedLastVisualChangeTs 6057876525006
observedLargestContentfulPaintTs 6057874681534
observedFirstPaintTs 6057874216416
observedSpeedIndexTs 6057874372832
observedLargestContentfulPaintAllFrames 1.82 Sec
layoutShiftMaxSessionGap1s 0 Sec
firstMeaningfulPaint 0.67 Sec
firstCPUIdle 2.59 Sec
cumulativeLayoutShift 0 Sec
observedFirstVisualChangeTs 6057874208006
observedLastVisualChange 3.67 Sec
observedFirstVisualChange 1.35 Sec
observedCumulativeLayoutShift 0 Sec
largestContentfulPaint 2.18 Sec
observedNavigationStart 0 Sec
totalBlockingTime 0.09 Sec
observedNavigationStartTs 6057872860006
observedFirstContentfulPaintTs 6057874216416
estimatedInputLatency 0.02 Sec
observedFirstContentfulPaintAllFramesTs 6057874216416
observedTraceEndTs 6057876528087
observedLoadTs 6057874751817
maxPotentialFID 0.13 Sec
observedCumulativeLayoutShiftAllFrames 0 Sec
observedTimeOriginTs 6057872860006
speedIndex 1.41 Sec
cumulativeLayoutShiftAllFrames 0 Sec
observedDomContentLoadedTs 6057874266058
layoutShiftMaxSliding1s 0 Sec
observedLoad 1.89 Sec
observedLargestContentfulPaintAllFramesTs 6057874681534
layoutShiftMaxSessionGap1sLimit5s 0 Sec
observedFirstPaint 1.36 Sec
observedFirstContentfulPaintAllFrames 1.36 Sec
observedFirstContentfulPaint 1.36 Sec
firstContentfulPaint 0.67 Sec
observedFirstMeaningfulPaintTs 6057874216416
observedFirstMeaningfulPaint 1.36 Sec
interactive 2.87 Sec
observedDomContentLoaded 1.41 Sec
observedTraceEnd 3.67 Sec
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